Last week I talked about how to remove paint from hardware, so in keeping with that theme, I wanted to discuss some tips to remove stubborn screws. After all, you can’t restore old hardware unless you can first get it off the door or window it’s attached to.
Old flat head screws that have been attached for close to a century can be tortuously difficult to remove. Either they are painted in place, rusted in place, or simply screwed into wood that is so hard they refuse to budge.
Before you resort to brute force and strip the head so there is no chance it will turn, try some of these tips to get that screw to finally back out.
Tip: Stay away from power drivers for old screws because it is all to simple to strip the screw head. You really should use a good old-fashioned screwdriver for this.
Check out the video below that I recently added to this post to show these 4 tricks in action. Of course I had to work in at least 1 new trick after a few years so you can see how the 5th trick compares to the others.
Trick #1 Remove the Paint
Old paint is like glue holding those screws in place. Take a chisel and scrape the paint away from the nail head. There are two places you want to completely clear of old paint. First, the outer perimeter of the screw where the head meets the piece of hardware it’s holding, and second, the slot that will hold your screwdriver tip.
I’ve found that a razor knife or an old chisel works well for this. Once these areas are clean, see if you can get the screw to turn, if not it’s time for Tip #2.
Trick #2 Add Lubricant
WD-40, Liquid Wrench, whatever you want to use, give the screws a good dousing in a spray lubricant that is designed to break up rust and get things moving again. Let it sit for a few minutes and give it a try again. That should get things moving, but if not it’s on to Trick #3.
Trick #3 Break Out the Hammer
If the screw is being especially stubborn, try using a hammer. With one hand, hold your screwdriver in place and slowly try to turn it while hitting the back of the screwdriver with a hammer. This is the same premise that an impact driver works on. The impacts knock the screw loose a bit while you are trying to turn it free. More often than not, I can get almost any screw free using this trick.
Trick #4 Time to Drill
Sometimes not matter what you do, that screw isn’t going to move. If that is the case, you can still get that old hardware off with one last trick. Drill it out. Get a metal drill bit the size of the screw head, put your drill on the low speed/high torque setting and drill the screw out. Be careful not to drill through the hardware.
You’ll have to drill down into the wood enough to completely remove the length of the screw that is still embedded in the wood and then patch the wood with a dutchman or epoxy before being able to install a new screw.
There is one other trick that is available, but I have had almost zero success with it so I didn’t want to mention it, but I’m sure someone would ask, “Why didn’t you mention screw extractors, Scott?” For those wondering, here it is:
In my experience, they don’t work! I’ve tried at least half a dozen different screw extractors and none of them have worked. Maybe I haven’t tried the right one yet, but after 6 or 7 tries I have decided it’s a technology that is not worth my time and money anymore. For the video above I decided to give a screw extractor one more try to see if it worked. You can see how it turned out.
If you have a screw extractor that works great for you, then I suggest you stick with it, but for me, I’m sticking with these 4 tricks. Using one or all of these tricks, I have yet to come across a piece of old hardware I couldn’t remove…yet.

Founder & Editor-in-Chief
I love old houses, working with my hands, and teaching others the excitment of doing it yourself! Everything is teachable if you only give it the chance.
I am trying to get out three screws along the bottom of a glass shower door. I cannot get one of them to break free. These are little screws and a Phillips head. I cannot take a hammer to them because of the glass door. I have also put WD40 on the screws to no help. Suggestions? I am trying to replace the sweep along the bottom of the door.
I have some bar stools that need to be reupholstered but having problem getting them apart. The base is a metal abd the seat is wood frame with two screws on each side being screwed into the metal. There is a hole that takes the screw. Have not been able to get the older screws out. Have sprayed them several times. Any suggestions. Do not want to break these screws.
I tried a screw adapter, which did not work. I ended up with a bored out philps head screw. I tried putting some steel wool in the screw head and pushed as hard as I could. With many small twists and many frequent adjustments of the steel wool the head of the screw came out far enough that a small wrench could be used to remove the screw.. Did 2 philips heads this way.
Couple more tips. Before trying to undo the screw, screw it in further, just a touch then undo. Also, to get extra leverage attach locking pliers (some screwdrivers come with a spanner nut below the handle for this purpose). This requires one person to put pressure on the screwdriver down to the screw while another person turns the screwdiver using the pliers or spanner. Bear in mind, with old screws, not to use too much pressure as this can result in the head shearing from the body of the screw.
For most screws, I have found that with or without lubricating them, I first try tightening them with a clockwise twist to break the bond, then counter clockwise to remove. This also often works on jar lids too.
For got to say Gary from Hertfordshire England (UK)
Have two toilet pan (avocado (green) why all white now) brass screws that will not budge. Tried penetrating oil – no luck, so kicked it – now broken pan. It was concreted to the concrete floor. A bugger to break up.
Also very hard lifting vinyl flooring. Had to use chisel and hammer and re sharpen chisel regularly. Took many hours. Just glue vinyl flooring around edges.
I have a rusted screw on a car license plate that will not budge. I used the hammer, WD40 and both special spray from Home Depot specifically for the removal of rust. Still nothing. Any ideas. I sold the car to my son who lives in PA. I live in NJ. I still have the NJ plate on the back of the car and now cannot drive it. Or I would take it somewhere to get help.
An Impact Screwdriver if you can borrow or buy one might do it for you. Worked for me in the past.
I came across your post googling this exact same issue! Dang car rusted screws! Hope you had luck since I’m still struggling.
Damn same thing here… also found from google. any luck??
And yep.. Same thing here, trying to replace the old with disabled plates. Front plates came off easily – back ones, not at all. Saw a video about liquid wrench being the best over WD-40 or even Kroil. So I’m gonna try that next, along with the hammer bit. I’m also going to try looking up silicone, and see if that can help in any way here.
If all that fails, I’m just gonna take it into the damn shop. They probably do hundreds of these things.
Couple of years ago I had the frozen screws in the license plate problem.
Well! It was only attached at the top, so I put the new plate over the old and
inserted new screws through the old plate and new one at the bottom…
BTW – New screws and nuts are stainless steel.
Here’s one for you. I have a deadbolt lock that MUST be replaced because of a city ordinance. Whoever put this deadbolt in was stupid enough to put in one way screws – and then screwed them so tightly they stripped. They are a little recessed from being flush with the lock itself, so a dremel won’t work. Any suggestions?…other than replacing the whole dang door?
I did step one and two and it worked like a charm! I got screws out of shutters and windows that have been painted multiple times and are 64 years old. Thank you so much for your great tips!
Yay! We are so happy to hear things like this. 🙂
-Alyssa at The Craftsman Blog
I need help! I am ‘locked’ out of my bathroom, i have managed to remove 2 of the 4 screws in the handle plate, but there are 2 that won’t budge
have 6 small Philips screws holding small fan together.
Cannot budge the screws.
Hoping to open up to clean dusty blades.
Thank you
Thank you, used a combination of 1, 2 and 3 to release the screws from our gate handle. Eventually managed to get the handle off.
Trying to get screws out of chairs, to re-upholster, so tight have not the strenght. Should I try W-D, screws not old just ridiculous anchored! This old gal does not have it can not be done attitude!
Any advice for screw that is stuck in the stud of the ceiling? Most comments mentioned that option 2&3 worked. But I cannot apply #2 simply because of gravity (the screw is in the ceiling). 🙁
My problem is a large flat head screw that holds a dial on my vintage sewing machine. The dial has broken and needs to be replaced, however this screw is frozen solid and won’t budge. Any help would be appreciated. I don’t think drilling it would be feasible as it screws into a cogged control part
My husband is trying to remove old rusted screws from toilet pan screwed into wood
Wood seens to have swelled and they just won’t budge
Any suggestions most welcome to save him removing whole of toilet!
Tip #2 I only try some lubricant let it sit for few days and it work perfect. Thank you very much!
#3 worked! Thank you!!
A big mahalo from Maui! #3 worked for me 🙂