Who’s ready for some Black Friday Tool Deals? The more appropriate question is who isn’t ready? Black Friday, the day where we sometimes buy gifts for the ones we love, but more often than not us DIYers stock up on the newest and coolest tool deals of the year. This year promises to be a good one too. I’ve never done a Black Friday sale at my site, but I felt 2019 was the year to start!
I’m doing some big discounts in my store starting midnight Black Friday (November 29th and running until midnight Tuesday morning December 3rd. These deals have never been this good and this will likely be the only time you’ll find prices this low and deals this good. You’ve got lots of chances to save and stock up for the year ahead below.
All E-books in my store will be a whopping 50% OFF for these 4 days only! Check out the complete list of titles below.
- Old Window Made Easy
- Steel Windows Made Easy
- Old Windows In-Depth (contains both windows books plus 100 bonus pages of content!)
- Living in the Past (my bestseller!)
- Old House Basics
- Historic Restoration Plan
Austin’s Glazier’s Putty & Whiting
You know I have developed my own mildew resistant glazing putty with the folks are Sarco Putty, right? Well, to encourage you to give it a try (I know you’ll love it!) I’m giving you a FREE 2 lbs. container of whiting and $10 OFF every gallon of my putty!
Spring Bronze & Nails
With every purchase of 100′ spring bronze packs you’ll get 4 packs of coppered nails free of charge! Free supplies are always nice!
Safety Glasses
Keep yourself safe and cool looking by getting a pair of safety glasses for only $1 with every order! Safety is a serious thing and so is this price!
One of my biggest sellers is the ProScraper and if you’re using it like I do you’ll need replacement blades in short order. How about a bonus FREE replacement blade with each ProScraper you buy? I thought you’d like that!
Speedheater Cobra
Along with the the Speedheater related products we sell something special is happening for 1-day only on Black Friday! It’s so good that I can’t actually tell you about it until the November 29th so be sure to check back!
Other Deals
If you haven’t stopped by my online store lately we are always adding new tools and supplies for you old house owners so make sure to check things out regularly. Here a few products we’ve added this year that you may not know about, but likely need in a big way.
Abatron Wood Restoration Products
- WoodEpox – Structural wood epoxy for repairing and rebuilding rotted wood
- LiquidWood – Wood consolidant to treat soft wood and prepare for WoodEpox
Plaster Magic Products
- Plaster Magic – Reattach broken or sagging plaster walls and ceilings
- Patching Plaster – Fill in gaps and missing sections on your plaster walls
Glazing Point Drivers
- No. 1 Point Drivers – For setting #1 diamond points
- No. 2 Point Drivers – For setting #1 and larger #2 diamond points
- No. 5 Point Drivers – Ultimate versatility to set #1, #2 diamond points as well as triangle points
Sash Saw
- Sash Saw – A new tool based on an old design to cut caulked and painted windows free with ease
I hope you have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy the time with friends and family. When you’re full of turkey swing by and grab some of these deals!

Founder & Editor-in-Chief
I love old houses, working with my hands, and teaching others the excitment of doing it yourself! Everything is teachable if you only give it the chance.