You know that I’m not a big promoter of new products here, but every once in a while, someone comes up with a product or technique that makes it easier and cheaper to save old houses. And when that happens, I am all over it like white on rice!
My company has recently become a dealer for Indow Windows. Why? Because they work! I have them in my own home and it is truly incredible how much of a difference they make in not only my utility bills but the street noise we use to get.
There are lots of exterior storm windows on the market, but unless they are historic wood storms, I feel like they make your old windows look so ugly. I know I’m not alone in this.
I found out about Indow Windows a few years ago, but was hesitant until just recently. Ultimately, there were 3 things that finally convinced me to partner with this company and I want to share them with you today because I think these windows may be the best solution to a problem we all have: Drafty windows we strangely love.
Reason #1 The Testing
I’m a facts guy. I don’t respond to crazy claims abut how awesome something is. Show me the facts and I’ll make up my own mind. Well, that’s exactly what happened here.
Indow Windows tested the heck out of these windows. They independently tested their efficiency again standard single-paned windows and against replacement double-paned windows. The results were jaw dropping to me!
For example, when comparing air leakage the here’s what the tests revealed:
The same round of testing also revealed that Indow Windows reduced sound transfer by 50-70% as opposed to double-paned replacement windows that reduced the sound transfer by only 20-30% over a single-paned window.
Reason #2 The Company
Finally meeting Sam Pardue, the founder and CEO, face to face and hearing his story was a big reason I decided this was my kind of company.
Sam is just another old house lover, who like us, lives in an old Bungalow in Portland, OR. He got sick of the winter drafts in his old house, but didn’t want to replace his original windows. He tried several different solutions before he finally came up with the Indow Window he sells today.
A regular guy looking for a better solution to the problem that plaques all of us old housers.
Reason #3 Simplicity
As if the other reasons weren’t enough, this one clinched it for me. I’ve installed and removed lots of storm windows over the years. Lots of cutting, drilling, screwing.
They’re not terribly difficult, but it would take me a whole weekend to install standard exterior storms on my house. Not to mention the 2nd and 3rd story are a real pain to do! And then they just look so ugly anyway.
Indow Windows don’t require you to do anything but press them into place! Here’s a quick video of installation.
They are custom measured to fit each window and they are compression fit into place. 10 seconds per window! Seriously, it’s about the only thing I’ve done on my old house that is that simple.
There are no modifications or cutting of your original windows. The historic parts of your house stay right as they were.
And once they are installed, they have such a slim profile that you barely notice they are there. The house looks the same on the outside and from the inside no one will notice them unless they look very hard.
The Downside
I always want to be honest with you here at The Craftsman and there is one thing that is a negative for me with these windows. You can’t measure and order these yourself. You have to have an Indow Window dealer in your area do it for you.
I understand why, but I wish it was simpler to get them. The reason it’s like this is because every window on an old house is so different. They are often out of square and have weird dimensions so standard size storm windows won’t fit perfectly.
The dealer has to come over and take some very specific measurements with a laser and then Indow can custom make each one of your windows so that they seal perfectly.
Like I said, it makes sense so you get the best performance and don’t order windows that you have to send back, but it’s still annoying if you don’t have a dealer in your area.
That’s one of the reason’s I decided to become a dealer for the whole state of Florida. To help my state, at least, save their old windows.
If getting these windows convinces one person to save their home’s original windows then I will consider this post a huge success. Take an honest look at these windows and when you see the price, the performance and the appearance, I’ll bet you come to the same conclusion as me.
Some of the links on this page are affiliate links which means we get a small commission (at no extra cost to you!) if you decide to buy Indow Windows through our links. If you don’t want to buy through our links, you can find them at

Founder & Editor-in-Chief
I love old houses, working with my hands, and teaching others the excitment of doing it yourself! Everything is teachable if you only give it the chance.
I am wondering how your indow window inserts have stood up after 5 years of usage. How is their performance in terms of see through clarity, tight seal/draftiness, and noise reduction?
Good questions! They have actually held up well without incident for me. Same tight fit though they have bowed just a bit. No noticeable difference in clarity or lessening of noise reduction that I can tell either.
Please delete the post. I worked it out with Indow. Thank you.
There is no way to edit, update or remove a post on your site.
Glad you got it resolved Jordan!
we have a 1915 brick craftsman most windows replaced however my interest is in noise reduction for train horns. can someone comment on this or post link to video with audio of sound reduction for this product? thanks
I’m in MA. What’s my best option for getting these windows?
Go to
We live in Canada and have snow all winter. When it is really cold, our double pane windows develop a 6” layer of ice along the bottom. Anyone had experience with double pane windows in cold northern climates? How would these inserts perform under colder conditions with double pane?
They can improve the condensation issues on windows, but ultimately the condensation is due to high humidity levels. A dehumidifier would help most and be least expensive.
Plan to order some INDOW windows this week, but was concerned when I saw an additional $300 charge for “geometric cutting”…for some triangular windows at the roofline of my mid-century home. Since all of these window inserts (plexi) and frame will be laser cut, why should it cost more to have simple triangular windows cut than any other shape?
Jim, the special geometries do cost more. I’ve been to the factory and they aren’t laser cut but rather cut by hand. The price increase usually comes down to the complexities of the edge tubing and wasted acrylic on custom shapes, not the complexities of the shape.
Does Indow windows have a rep on the east coast in upstate NY?
Fill out the form here and hey will either connect you with a local dealer if there is one or service you themselves.
I have single pane windows which are all picture windows. They do not open. They are the older, wood frame type, and they are very cold in winter in upstate NY. If I install the Indow inserts, will they stop the condensation on the glass and make the room warmer?
Most definitely!
My understanding from other historic window experts is that it is important with both interior and exterior storm windows to be removed after each winter for proper maintenance of the window. Often, despite great attempts otherwise, moisture can collect and mildew grow as the temperatures and precipitation change after winter. With the storm windows off, a thorough cleaning of the inside and outside of the window and periodic exposure to open air will prevent deterioration of the window components. Keeping the elements from deteriorating the good seals created by restored windows and storm windows and routine maintenance will keep your window lasting decades
Are the indow windows ment to be a permanent part of my windows or can they be removed for fresh air in spring & fall ? I have a 1936 Tudor home with the original casement windows .
They are meant to be removed whenever you want to open the windows and since there is no hardware to install removal is super easy. Some people just use them seasonally and others leave them in all year long.
Here in Canada most homes have aluminum storm windows with the original wood windows on the inside. Where would the indow window be inserted: on the inside – next to the storm window or somehow applied to the wood frame? I would rather insert it close to the cold side. Does it come off easy when I want to get fresh air?
I recently had an Indow estimate done for 8 windows in my 1920’s bungalow …. With shipping, it was over $5,000!! Ummm, I’ll deal with a little draft until they have a factory on the East coast. It was mouth dropping.
Ken, that’s pretty surprising to me unless you have extremely large windows and lots of specialty grade inserts. Send me your windows measurements at and I’ll run a comparative quote for you to see what is going on.
They gave me a quote of $780 for a 33 x 96 window and $550 for a 36 x 60. How does that compare to your quote?
Jane for those measurements I ran the numbers and for the 33×96 it would be $528 (standard grade) or $792 for some of the specialty grades.
The 36×60 would be $360 for standard and $540 for specialty grades. So pretty close. That one window is pretty darn big!
My Indows will be here Friday! Expecting a great night’s sleep.
Hi Ken,
Hiw’d the windows work out for you, sound wise?
Thanks, for sharing your estimate. I have 11 windows and seeing your estimate (yikes! $625 a window?) helps me realize immediately that I cannot afford Indow so back to the drawing board.
The product looks so awesome and just what would help keep my old beautiful windows. I don’t want to go the Replacement window route because they do not last and that aluminum wrapping looks terribly cheap imo.
I am surprised the creator of Indow doesn’t expand the biz so that the cost will come down. Not all homeowners are satisfied with window Replacements which have to be replaced at some point because they do not last. Few people are told that when they buy them. They think they’re a lifetime product which they aren’t. Spending thousands on them only to find they need replacing in 10-15 yrs is frustrating. Getting companies to honor the warranty is also a joke.
Sandi, for a rough idea of costs on an Indow insert you should estimate $24 per SF for standard grade or $36 per SF for any of the premium grades. Hope that helps!
I didn’t see mention of condensation. Wouldn’t it now just build up on the inside of your actual window?
Carol, unless you have EXTREMELY leaky windows the condensation issue is all but resolved on both exterior and interior.
Those are pretty slick, I would probably try a DIY version first but those are certainly nice.
To clarify, the window film is on both sides of the wood frame, with an air gap in-between. Just adhering bubble wrap with a sprinz of water instantly doubles the R value of single-glazed glass, and actually looks pretty nice, esp. where privacy is needed.
John Leeke of Historic Homeworks and Mother Earth News have directions for simple DIY interior storms made with a double layer of window film on a wood frame and a simple gasket of weatherstripping, stapled folded plastic or backer rod cut in half. As independently tested last year as part of the Window Standards Collective, they tested as nearly as efficient as the top combination of weatherstriping and a custom wood storm window. Plus the cost is only about $1 a square foot, and with care, can last a long time.
University of Maine has some good DIY videos on You-Tube on easy ways to seal up your windows. Rope caulk is probably one of the cheapest and most effective ways out there, and it is removable and reusable. Heavy curtains drawn at night makes a huge difference as well.
For a more permanent looking solution, there are DIY magnetic systems that save money by having the acrylic panels made locally by a glass shop, or by the owner, thus saving the cost of shipping.
Kathy, those are some great additional options.
Thank you all for all this extra info?. I just bought a 1940 craftsman home in Fort Smith, AR and love it. After reading this, I’m keeping my windows.
Yay! So happy to hear it!!!!
-Alyssa at The Craftsman Blog
For the money, I’d rather invest in a modern wood storm window. That way it would protect the window, would be operable so I could actually OPEN the window for fresh air and won’t interfere with my various window treatments. And exterior storms would be of use when I get around to restoring my windows, as I could have a sash out for quite some time during the repair process. Although a sound deadening, blackout indow would be great for my bedroom, at $20-35 per sq ft for 4 larger windows it’s a bit out of my price range.
Pat, exterior storms are great for the reasons you mentioned. We built quite a few for clients as well. Indow windows and exterior storms definitely both have their place. For ease of installation and air sealing you can’t beat an Indow but for protection against the elements an exterior storm is the cat’s meow. 😉
I have my own restoration company in Portland, Oregon, and have been following the Indow Window craze since Sam Pardue’s start-up. In the Northwest, like Scott mentioned, most of the exterior storm windows are ugly and hide the true beauty of the home’s original wood windows. Interior storms just make sense. I hope Florida catches up now that Scott is a distributor!
We’ll make sure they catch the bug Judy! 😉
We saw these at the Home and Garden show and it was something that looked amazing! I also loved the different panes they provided… Blackout, frosted, and panes to protect pictures/furniture from getting sun bleached just to name a few. Makes me trust them even more now that I know you believe in and sell them!
I’ll be in Orlando for an interview Tuesday and Wednesday. I’ll be prepairng on Tuesday, but the interview will be over around 10 on Wednesday. Got time for coffee?