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How To: Fix Creaky Wood Floors

This week’s Ask The Craftsman question comes from Heidi.

“How do I fix creaky wood floors?”

How to fix creaky wood floors
Image Copyright:
Scott Sidler

Heidi, there are a couple quick fixes for creaky wood floors that you can do.

#1 Baby Powder

Sprinkle some baby powder in the area of the squeak and brush it in so it falls into the cracks between boards. Sweep up the excess, and you’re done. This is a super easy fix that works a lot of the time with really no work. If this doesn’t work, try the next step.

#2 Brad Nailer

You may have a loose board that needs to be nailed back down. If that is the case a couple of 1 1/2″ 18 ga. brad nails in the loose area should do the job. If the 18 ga. nails don’t cut it, you can always use something more significant like 16 or 15 ga. finish nail.

#3 Trim Screw

If you still haven’t solved the problem, it may be time for a trim head screw. These screws are very slim with a small head so they won’t be nearly as apparent as a regular wood screw. Use one or two trim screws to snug the board down nice and tight.

If none of these solutions work, it may be time for a board replacement or subfloor repair. You can read more about that process in the following posts.


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4 thoughts on “How To: Fix Creaky Wood Floors

  1. I searched for some fixes for deflection and noisy floors. I did find a solution that people may find useful. It’s called structure lock.

    I hope this helps.


  2. I have recently moved an old house and redoing it. It is placed on blocks and I was wondering the best way to insulate the wood floors?

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