Does your husband or dad really need another tire gauge or techie gadget this year? Maybe this year he’d be better suited with a tool to help him get his hands dirty or a good book to learn something new.
Father’s day is June 17th this year, and the handy dad in your life is always in need of a good gift to help him enjoy the work he does around the house. I’ve put together some great gift ideas for the DIYer in your life that are especially tuned toward old house lovers. Some of these items are available right here in my store and others are easy to find with the links in this post. Let’s dive in!
10 Best DIY Father’s Day Gifts
1. Old Windows In-Depth
What’s the best new book on the market for an old house DIYer today? Old Windows In-Depth, of course! OK, I may be a bit biased since I wrote it, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t the best book to teach you step-by-step how to restore you old windows be they wood or steel.
2. ProScraper
Who likes lead paint? Not me! What if there was a super effective scraper that hooks up to most regular shop vacs and sucked up all the dust and paints chips before they had a chance to make a mess? Well, there is and it’s called the ProScraper. Check out how easy it can be!
3. Spring Set
Setting nails in tight spaces can be difficult and even the pros will sometimes end up with bloody fingertips. The solution is something a simple an old carpenter showed me years ago called a Spring Set tool. It’s a nail set that sets nails without a hammer! Just pull it back and it sets them perfectly every time. You can also use it to punch out hinge pins on doors and casement windows.
4. StudPop
Us guys are always tasked with hanging things on walls and finding a stud can be a real pain (especially in plaster wall). Stud finders can be expensive too, but not the Studpop. It’s a little magnetic stud finder that pops up when it comes across metal like a drywall screw of lath nails to signal a stud. Super cheap, never needs batteries and always works.
5. Speedheater Cobra
Infrared paint removal is the hottest thing right now (pun intended!) If you’re looking for a fast and safe way to remove lots of layers of old paint from wood, then this is a serious tool used by restorers across the world. The best part is that its small size makes it very manageable to work with and convenient to store when not in use.
6. Festool Domino
Maybe the dad you’re shopping for is not the next level woodworker he wants to be yet, but with the Domino, he can build like one! The Festool Domino is an amazing tool that makes creating mortise and tenon joinery (the strongest of all joints) child’s play. Now building that farmhouse table will take a weekend instead of a month!
7. Kreg Jig K4 Pocket-Hole System
Kreg makes a great system for joining wood together that is simple and cost-effective. You don’t need much to get started with this, just a drill and you can start making cabinets and picture frames right away with hidden fasteners. If the Festool Domino is too much for your budget, then consider this less expensive option.
8. BLENDEX Magnetic Wristband
Guys lose things. Period. We set them down and they disappear into the ether. That is annoying but it can downright tragic when it’s a specialty screw, bit or other little item you really need. Getting a magnetic wristband for hen your dad is working in the workshop keeps him from loosing bits in his tool pouch or somewhere on the bench or worse the floor. Huge time saver and very inexpensive!
9. ‘i restore” T-shirt
How about a shirt telling the world what dad really does? He fixes things. Whether it’s weatherstripping windows, reattaching the dryer vent, or wiping away tears dads do it all and shirt that acknowledges his work and tells the world who he really can put a big smile on his face and let him know you appreciate him.
10. Good Clean Fun
If you’re in the woodworking sphere or watch comedy television then you’re probably familiar with Nick Offerman. He is one of those rare woodworker/comedian craftsmen who can turn chunks of wood into amazing furniture and make you laugh with some of the best stories you’ve ever heard. This book is a rare combo of those two talents and is sure to inspire the woodworker in your life and fill his day with laughs.

Founder & Editor-in-Chief
I love old houses, working with my hands, and teaching others the excitment of doing it yourself! Everything is teachable if you only give it the chance.