What is Prairie Style Architecture?

The craftsman blog

With their distinctive low-pitched roofs, horizontal lines, and integration with the surrounding landscape, hold significant historical and architectural value.

Prairie Style Homes:

Developed by renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright, these homes emerged as a response to the changing American lifestyle and an expression of the Midwest’s expansive prairies.

Wright envisioned homes that harmonized with the vast prairie landscapes of the American Midwest and seamlessly blended natural building elements so as to harmonize with the landscape.

Emerged as a response to the Industrial Revolution and the desire to create a unique American architectural identity. 


Embodied the democratic ideals of simplicity, functionality, and integration which it shared with American Bungalow style from the same time.

Prairie style architecture gained prominence around 1900 and only lasted until around 1915. 

It reflects a major departure from the Queen Anne & Folk Victorian styles prominent at the time, embracing a strikingly modern approach that had never been tried architecturally.

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